Divorce Attorney- Kimberly Hays Law | Divorce Lawyer | Tulsa, OK - Tulsa, OK
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“I’ve talked to many of Kimberly’s clients over the years, some of whom were friends and family members that I referred to her, and they all told me how Kimberly would take the extra time necessary to give them hope on down days and help them to weather the legal process without bitterness or depression.”

Why You Should Choose Kimberly K. Hays as your Divorce attorney

Divorce impacts so many parts of your life including, finances, living situation, children, and everything in between. You want an experienced attorney on your side who is passionate about people and the law. Kimberly K. Hays works hard to protect her clients and always keeps their best interests in mind. Navigating how to identify all the property and legal rights you are entitled to receive under the law requires an experienced family lawyer. You don’t want to do it without an experienced lawyer. It is important to have someone seasoned on your side. With Kimberly’s extensive experience serving in different roles in the Oklahoma Bar Association, no one knows Oklahoma family law better than she does.

Hand in hand with Kimberly’s experience is her compassion. Kimberly is an advocate for the family and doing what is best for the family. That is why you can trust that she will approach your case with compassion, knowledge, and wisdom.


Kimberly has experience dealing with every type of divorce case. She can navigate every family dynamic, and choose the best way to move forward. Whether your divorce is amicable and all parties agree on the terms of a final divorce, or if tensions are high and you need a skilled attorney to push for what you are entitled to receive, Kimberly K. Hays can walk you through the divorce proceedings and ensure your best interest is being represented.